


Sixteen executed in Hebei

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE in Beijing, 15-1-04


The central Chinese province of Hebei has executed 16 "serious criminals" for crimes including rape, murder and robbery, state media said on Thursday.

可記的詞組:has executed 16 "serious criminals"處決、重犯

The Shijiazhuang Daily said the executions were necessary "to ensure that people in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei, are safe over Chinese New Year", which begins on January 22.

可記的詞組:the executions

The Intermediate People's Court sentenced the 16 and executed them "recently", it said.

可記的詞組:Intermediate People's Court

According to the newspaper, 13 were executed by lethal injection. It did not specify how the others died but a bullet to the back of the head is often the favoured method of execution in China.

可記的詞組:lethal injection注射毒針、the favoured method

It said the criminals were convicted of crimes including rape, homicide, robbery and kidnapping.

include, including是很好用的字。另外,先加一個general的term如crime,再用including列舉細項,是一個好的處理方法

As an example, it cited a man named Zhang Jianhua who on February 2 last year raped a young girl who was mentally ill and then killed her with a blow to the head.

In another case, a man named Li Hanchin killed the son of a neighbour in his village as a revenge attack after a quarrel.

可記的詞組:as a revenge attack

China liberally uses the death penalty and executes more people every year than the rest of the world combined, according to the London-based rights group Amnesty International.

可記的詞組:liberally、executes more people every year than the rest of the world combined、rights group


